Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Mr. President

I was going through some old boxes from my recent move, when I came across my old Graphic Design portfolio. I took that class when I was in the tenth grade. I was never very good, but I enjoyed it just the same. So while others were fixing every single detail, I was just making sure I didn't make anyone's butt look big.

Marilyn Monroe's eyebrows, hair, and boobs are crooked. And I am able to make it look like she just got picked up on the street corner. But hey it takes true talent to cheapen Marilyn. I absolutely adore this piece of work. And I have to believe she would too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you're really good. I truly like it. I am absolutely swamped tonight and tomorrow.

    But, I love your site. I will try my best to get back by very soon and pick up your link button!!

    Have a super day!!:-)


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Design by Peachy Keen Design